Roll of Honour
Private Charles Douglas Giles

Service Number: 19893
Regiment: Machine Gun Corps. (42nd)
Conflict: World War One
Date of Death: 18th September 1916
Age at Death: 19
Burial/Memorial Location: Heilly Station Cemetery, Somme, France
Son of William & Elizabeth Giles, of The Mill, Kirtlington. Born in Ledwell. Formerly with the Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry (10948).
"After recently being reported wounded in one of the battles on the West Front, on Sunday morning Mr and Mrs W. Giles, of the Mill House, received the sad news of the death of their second son, Pte. Charles Giles, of the O.B.L.I. Although only nineteen at his death, he was one of the first in the village to volunteer, and had every prospect of making an excellent soldier. At the choral eucharist on Sunday, the Vicar (the Rev. G.C. May) referred in feeling terms to the young life so nobly laid down for his country’s honour. Much sympathy is felt for the parents and friends of the deceased." Bicester Herald 29/09/1916
"A service to the memory of Pte. Charles Giles, of the O.B.L.I., of Kirtlington, whose death was reported last week, was held at Kirtlington Parish Church on Monday evening. The service compiled by the Bishop of Stepney was used, with the two hymns “Rock of Ages” and “The heavenly Jerusalem.” A large congregation assembled, and a suitable address was given by the vicar (Rev. G.C. May). Mrs Norridge, A.L.C.M., the organist, played “Contakion of the departed” and, at the conclusion of the service, the “Dead March” in Saul." Bicester Herald 09/10/1916