Roll of Honour
Rifleman Aubrey Herring

Service Number: 40085
Regiment: Hampshire Regiment (1st/8th)
Conflict: World War One
Date of Death: 11th November 1917
Age at Death: 19
Burial/Memorial Location: Kantara War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt
Address: 52-4 Sheep Street, Bicester
Son of Thomas & Fanny Herring, of 52-4 Sheep Street, Bicester.
"It is with much regret that we record the news of the death, from wounds, of Pte. Aubrey Herring, of the Hampshire Regiment, youngest son of Mr Thomas Herring, grocer, Sheep Street. As stated in our last issue, Mr Herring received news on Friday last that his son had been severely wounded. He at once cabled his second son, Mr Thomas Herring, who was within a short distance of the deceased lad, to endeavour to get permission to visit him. It is not known, however, if he succeeded in doing so.
Mr Herring received the sad information of his son’s death by telegraph. No details were given, except that he died of wounds received in action. He was in hospital at El Arish.
Mr and Mrs Thomas Herring return thanks for all sympathy shown to them in their sad bereavement." Bicester Advertiser 23/11/1917