Roll of Honour
Private Joseph Markham

Service Number: 285835
Regiment: Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars (1st)
Conflict: World War One
Date of Death: 30th March 1917
Age at Death: 18
Burial/Memorial Location: Duisans British Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France
Son of Frederick & Annie Markham, of Blackthorn.
"Blackthorn’s previous record of immunity from war deaths has, we regret to state, been broken by the deaths on France of two soldiers from that village on the same day, viz., L.-corpl. Sydney Hopcraft, son of Mr Walter Hopcraft, and Tpr. Joseph Markham, eldest son of Mr Frederick Markham, who were both members of the Q.O.O.H.
The news was first conveyed to Blackthorn by another lad from the village who is serving, and who stated the shell exploded and killed L.-corpl. Hopcraft and seriously wounded Tpr. Markham.
Mr Markham received the following letter dated March 30, from the Matron of a field hospital in France: “Your son was admitted to this station suffering from bad wounds in the abdomen and legs, and only lived a few hours. He was hardly conscious, and so I was unable to get any message for you. There was nothing we could do for him except to make him as comfortable as possible.”
Tpr. Markham was one of those who joined up when the big rush to the Colours was made in response to the appeal of Lord Derby, at which time he was only 17 years of age, and was only a little over 18 at the time of his death, although he had then seen nearly twelve months service in France.
Both men attended the Blackthorn Congregational Chapel, and on Sunday evening a memorial service was held, a report of which will be found in another column." Bicester Herald 13/04/1917
"Joseph Markham, who, as we stated last week, died of wounds received in action on March 29th, was the son of Mr Frederick Markham, also of Blackthorn.
A letter from the Matron, No. 19, Casualty Clearing Station, says: “Your son was admitted to the station very badly wounded in the abdomen, also legs. He only lived a few hours, and he was hardly conscious, so I was unable to get any message for you. There was nothing we could do for him except to make him as comfortable as possible. He is buried in our cemetery near, and his grave marked with a cross, his name and number. His belongings will be sent to you later. Please accept my sincere sympathy.”
Major Hermon-Hodge, officer commanding Private Markham’s squadron wrote: “I am extremely sorry to have to write and tell you that your son was badly wounded on March 29th, and died in hospital the following day. He was away from me at the time on detached duty, and consequently I can give you no details, beyond the bare facts. The same shell killed another of our men outright, and part of it wounded your boy in the abdomen. He was taken to No. 19, Casualty Clearing Station, where he died. Having two brothers killed myself I know what it means to a family. The fact that he was killed doing his duty for his Country may be of some small comfort to you, and I can but tell you how much I feel for you in your loss, and how deep my sympathies are. If there is anything further I can tell you or find out for you, please ask me. Again my deepest sympathies.”" Bicester Advertiser 13/04/1917