Roll of Honour
Sapper Cyril Henry Swell

Service Number: 210900
Regiment: Royal Engineers
Conflict: World War One
Date of Death: 2nd October 1918
Age at Death: 20
Burial/Memorial Location: Vadencourt British Cemetery, Aisne, France
Address: Parents: Red Lion Inn, Market Square, Bicester
"We much regret to record the death of Sapper Cyril H. Swell, of the Royal Engineers (Wireless Section), elder son of Mr S.H. Swell, of the Red Lion Inn, Bicester, which took place on October 2nd. The news was conveyed to his parents in a letter from a member of his company, who says he was struck by a shell and killed instantly whilst sitting in his dug-out.
Sapper Swell joined the Royal Engineers two years ago, and went to France in February, 1917. His only active service leave was in January last. He was well known in Bicester, where he had a large circle of friends, amongst whom he was very popular, owing largely, undoubtedly, to his straightforward and manly habits.
He was for a number of years a pupil at the Bicester National School, and finished his education at the Technical School, Oxford. Afterwards he entered an examination, which he passed, for admission to the Post Office Staff, and was sent to Wallingford, where he remained till he joined up (on attaining the age of eighteen years). Much sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs Swell in their great loss, particularly in this, the hour of victory. It is a particularly sad duty to record the cutting short of so promising a career.
Mr and Mrs S.H. Swell wish to thank all who have expressed sympathy with them in their bereavement." Bicester Advertiser 11/10/1918