Roll of Honour
Private Arthur George Butler
Linked to: Launton

Service Number: 18509
Regiment: Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry (5th)
Conflict: World War One
Date of Death: 8th February 1917
Age at Death: 29
Burial/Memorial Location: Wanquetin Communal Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France
"We have this week to report, with regret, the deaths of two Launton soldiers – Sapper Arthur Penn and Pte. Butler.
Pte. Butler, of the O.B.L.I., is a son of Mr and Mrs George Butler, of West-end, Launton. He was home on leave about a fortnight ago, and is the second and last son of Mr and Mrs Butler to lay down his life for his country." Bicester Herald 16/02/1917