Roll of Honour
Private Herbert Charles Castle

Service Number: 2178
Regiment: Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry (1st/4th)
Conflict: World War One
Date of Death: 23rd July 1916
Age at Death: 19
Burial/Memorial Location: Pozieres British Cemetery, Somme, France
Son of William J & Louisa Castle, of Church Lane, Launton.
"About a month ago Mr and Mrs Castle, of Church-lane, Launton, received unofficial notification that their son, Pte. Charlie Castle, of the O.B.L.I., was missing after an action. During the week they have been officially informed that he is dead." Bicester Herald 08/09/1916
"Mr J. Castle, of Launton, has received intimation that his son, Private H.C. Castle, O. and B.L.I., had been killed in action.
The sad news was conveyed to the parents by a letter from Second-Lieut. J.H. Earley, who states that Pte. Castle had been missing since the night of the action fought on July 22nd. There had not been much hope of his being alive, and his death had been definitely ascertained by an officer and search party.
The deceased, who was only 19 years of age, joined the army at the outbreak of war." Bicester Advertiser 15/09/1916